Stashed (16): Easter Pastels

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hi, everyone. It's been a while since I've had a Stashed post. That's because I have been buying a lot less, which a good thing. While I still love nail polish, some of my buying frenzy has been dying down. This is great for my wallet though and I hope it means I'll use more of my untrieds. I am still waffling on the Zoya Earth Day promo though. I have 5 or 6 polishes in my cart and I have a feeling I'll end up caving but let's see how long I can wait before I do. 

This week's haul is a small one. I stopped by Walgreens to grab some things and I ran into the L'Oreal pastel display which I had been looking for. It even had the two speckled polishes I wanted so I had to buy them. There was also a new Rimmel display of what looks like textured polishes. I didn't know anything about them and decided to just get 2 to check them out.

That's all I've stashed lately. What about you guys? Am I missing any good collections?

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