Stashed (18): Sally Hansen

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hi, guys, Sorry I've been MIA lately but I have been super busy and haven't had much time for swatching or editing photos. I am going to try to get some stuff scheduled for this week but we'll so how the week goes. I hope you're all having a good summer though. I don't know about you, but warm weather definitely makes me want to break out all of my brights and neons.

The past few weeks I haven't done much stashing. It's better on my budget this way and I have so many untrieds that I really need to focus on. I did do a small haul the other day at CVS though. As you can see below, I picked up the entire Sally Hansen Palm Beach jellies collection.

I wasn't planning on picking up any of these initially but I've been seeing some really fun watercolor manis using super sheers like this. When I spotted the whole line at CVS and on sale, I caved and just got them all. I am hoping to have time to play with them soon.

That's all I have stashed lately. What have you guys stashed? Have I missed any good collections?

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