Cult Nails Fetish

Friday, June 14, 2013

Oh Cult Nails Fetish. How I was lusting after you. When there was finally a sale, I didn't hesitate to pick you up and I am so glad that I did. As you might be able to tell, I am in LOVE with this polish. It's so simple but there's just something about it. The first time I saw a swatch of it, I knew I had to have it. I love the smooth black finish that't not quite matte and not glossy. With a name like Fetish, I think it's supposed to look like smooth, black leather, and it really does.

Formula on this was excellent. Like with any matte type polish, imperfections in the nail or application are going to be really noticeable so you have to be really careful when applying just so you get that really smooth finish. Because you don't use top coat, it is easier to ding and damage the finish. Below is 2 glorious coats.

I recently bought the Cult Nails wax top coat. I am really hoping that it gives polishes a finish similar to this one. I just love it and wouldn't mind trying all of my polishes with a wax finish. Imagine the possibilities. :)

Fetish is definitely going into my favorite polishes of this year so far. Does anyone else have this polish or other wax finish polishes? Let me know because I could always use more. :) Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend!

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